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the following short code examples (place it in a .sh file) can help identifying all power/PBS/torque jobs that have been running for at least (or up to) X hours and: (1) print them to screen; (2) delete them from queue. for simplicity we assume here that jobs do not exceed 10 hours. this is based on qstat output, which reports CPU time (wall time would have nice here sometimes). I’ll be happy to hear if you know of a better solution. maybe qselect can be utilized here, but I have yet to figure out how. EDIT: I’m adding a quote from the PBS guide on how to select jobs based on time parameters.


# delete jobs that are already running for $1 hours to ($1 + 1) hours
qstat -u $USER | grep 'R 0'$1
qstat -u $USER | grep 'R 0'$1 | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' | xargs qdel

delete all jobs running for less than 10 hours: ./qdel_long.sh
delete all jobs running for less than 1 hour: ./qdel_long.sh 0
delete all jobs running for 1 to 2 hours: ./qdel_long.sh 1

BTW, you can easily combine it with a for-loop to delete up to $1:

# delete jobs that are up to ($1 + 1) hours long
for i in `seq 0 $1`
    qstat -u $USER | grep 'R 0'$i
    qstat -u $USER | grep 'R 0'$i | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' | xargs qdel

or above $1 (up to 10 hours):

# delete jobs that are more than $1 hours long
for i in `seq $1 9`
    qstat -u $USER | grep 'R 0'$i
    qstat -u $USER | grep 'R 0'$i | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' | xargs qdel

From the PBS guide:

You can use the qselect command to list queued, running, finished and moved jobs, job arrays, and subjobs according to their time attributes. The -t option to the qselect command allows you to specify how you want to select based on time attributes. You can also use the -t option twice to bracket a time period.
Example 11-5: Select jobs with end time between noon and 3PM.
qselect -te.gt.09251200 -te.lt.09251500
Example 11-6: Select finished and moved jobs with start time between noon and 3PM.
qselect -x -s “MF” -ts.gt.09251200 -ts.lt.09251500
Example 11-7: Select all jobs with creation time between noon and 3PM
qselect -x -tc.gt.09251200 -tc.lt.09251500
Example 11-8: Select all jobs including finished and moved jobs with qtime of 2.30PM (default relation is .eq.)
qselect -x -tq09251430